Daily Timings

Rest a little while. Do not be unsettled by resting. I call you to listen to me for your plans at the start of each day, and throughout the day. Living by hearing, feeling, and knowing Holy Spirit’s instructions will bring health to your soul. 

You say, ’I cannot do that. I’m too busy. I have responsibilities.’ 

I know the details.

Be sensitive to my prompts, for my plan is to grow your capacity to help you develop discernment to get timings in your life aligned with my timings. 

You are my friend as well as my disciple and this is part of your training. Place your days, your minutes and your hours into my hands, and watch me move. 

Activation: Let God test you by putting this into practice and see if he will not share great wisdom for your daily life.

Psalm 31:15 (TPT) 

My life, my every moment, my destiny – it’s all in your hands. 

Matthew 11:29 (TPT)

Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I am gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me.

John 14:31 (TPT) 

I am doing exactly what the Father destined for me to accomplish, so that the world will discover how much I love my Father. Now come with me.


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