From Disappointment to Hope – your Lion Bites word for today

Like a faithful farmer, you have spent many years learning the times and seasons of life – knowing when to plant and knowing when to harvest. You have learned the routines of farming seasons, the climates that yield the best harvest and the conditions that are optimal for growth. You have been faithful with what God has put into your hands. Yet, in the midst of waiting, you have watched with a sense of disappointment over the lack of the harvest you expected to yield.

This day, the Lord comes to sow into your heart. He comes to sow an incomparable level of faith and a deep sense of hope that will overcome and destroy your disappointment. The Lord says, “Where there has been a sense of exhaustion and wipe-out, I come to sow rejuvenating life and sustaining energy. Where there has been disappointing fruitlessness, I come to release overwhelming fruitfulness. I have paid attention to your faithfulness and I always move in response to those who faithfully steward that which I have given to them.”

Matthew 25:21
His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’


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