Join Together

Children, My Ecclesia is like a fruit basket where fruits of different varieties are all close to each other causing them to ripen faster. By being in contact with each other, the fruit ripens quickly. 

Like the variety of fruit found in a bowl, so you my children will also mature faster as you allow yourselves to come in contact with each other.

It is so good to see my children joined together – I love seeing you as builders together, helping each other, being there for each other in times of need. 

This brings me great delight!

Application: First, consider what is your heart posture and mindset towards your brothers and sisters in Christ. If you find a hardness within yourself around this, pray: 

“Father, I have sinned in keeping, accepting, and even preferring, distance from other believers. Please forgive me. I repent. I remove the distance I have placed between me and my brothers and sisters. I agree and desire to be joined together, to be built together into a holy temple in You.”

Then make a declaration:

“In Jesus name I declare it is good for those in Christ to be one.”

Next, ask the Lord to lead you to do something that has an impact on someone else, be it in the Spirit, in their heart, family, practically or finances. For example, proclaim a God given decree to shift them spiritually, commit to praying for their family, help them practically in something, bless their finances. Something has to be different from how it would be if you had not done anything.

FInally, consider if you can allow someone else to have an impact in your life, to carry your burdens. Think of someone safe, whom you trust. Share one of your burdens (need, lack, problem) with them. Ask them for help. If you have an idea of how, let them know. For example, to ask God for a prophecy/decree for you, or to help you in a concrete way. If you don’t know of a specific way, just say “I need help in this area / I don’t know what to do with this / I am stuck in this.” Allow the Spirit to join you together in union with each other through your vulnerability and openness. 


So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord.

PSALM 133:1 (AMP)

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!


One who isolates himself pursues selfish desires; he rebels against all sound wisdom.


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