My heart burns for you. It burns for your nation, your city, your community, your neighbourhood and your household. My heart rushes to your invitations, your coming and going, your family moments and your secret place. There are no lengths I will not go in my desire for you to know how much I adore you!
Everything about me is passionate and zealous for you. I pursue you with all of me, in the hopes of all of you – all of your life!
Today, let the burning heart of Heaven be imparted to you in response to my love. Seek my face; get to know me as the passionate Father who burns with holy fire for His people.
Romans 5:8 TPT
But Christ proved God’s passionate love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly!
Song of Songs 7:6 NIV
How beautiful you are and how pleasing, my love, with your delights!