Purify and Prepare

Draw close to me, for there is a process of Holy Purification being released upon my body. As you draw close to me in this process, the doors of preparation will be unlocked. My spirit will lead you through this process. Think of Esther. Before she could step into her role, she went through a time of preparation.

Will you come away with Me into this short season of purification to be prepared?  This time of being set apart will be worth it!

It is time to release all that paralyses you and makes you feel stuck. 

It is time to let go, surrender, and relinquish your right to carry these things anymore. 

It’s your choice!

As you go through this process with me, leaving the pain, the hiddenness, the confusion, and the old patterns behind, you will be picking up new tools—your weapons of preparation. One by one, as you choose to let go, the things that weighed you down will no longer be an issue for you.

You’ll suddenly look down at your tool belt and realise that you’re equipped for such a time as this!


In the spirit, there are rooms set aside for you – Purification rooms. Each one looks something similar to a spa room; small, peaceful, and equipped with the necessary tools to remove any impurities. Look into the spirit and ask Holy Spirit to show you your purification room. Spend time in this room over the next month asking Holy Spirit, “What do I need to leave behind and what should I pick up? What is being exchanged?” 

Journal this and create a declaration that you can say over yourself out loud every day. 

“I choose to release_______ and I choose to pick up _____”.

Take communion daily this month covering each thing you leave with His blood and remember Jesus’ sacrifice for it. 

Malachi 3:3 (ESV)

He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and they will bring offerings in righteousness to the LORD.  

1 John 3:3 (TPT)

And all who focus their hope on Him will always be purifying themselves just as Jesus is pure. 


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