The Lord Almighty is mustering His army – your Lion Bites word for today

Isaiah 13:4
Listen, a noise on the mountains, like that of a great multitude! Listen, an uproar among the kingdoms, like nations massing together! The LORD Almighty is mustering an army for war.

“My people who are called by my name, arise and advance!”

No longer wait for the opportune time or moment to step out but begin advancing now. It is not the time to hunker down and say the ‘war is over’, but it is time to arise and make a stand and advance for My Kingdom. Possess the territory I have given over into your hands – advance and build there.

You who are stuck in a stagnant place – shift and move now!

You who are waiting for the perfect moment – advance and shift now!

These are not the days to reluctantly or tentatively move out, but these are the days to advance with courage and boldness. Take heart, my child, you are more capable than you know. You are more trusted by Me than you dare to imagine. I am with you, and we are advancing together.

Rally the troops! Call for the charge! Advancement is at hand, and it is time!

PRAYER NOTE: If you feel you have partnered with a reluctance or lack courage pray this prayer today:

Father, in the name of Jesus where I have partnered knowingly or unknowingly with procrastination and reluctance in any way I ask forgiveness and repent. I now pray God give me the courage to advance and speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand Lord as we, the sons of the Most High God advance together, as you muster your army (Isaiah 13:4) and we move to take territory in the name of our King Jesus. I choose to advance. I choose to move now!


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