Uncompromised truth will flow from you! – your Lion Bites word for today

You are called to bring words of life. Your lips have been marked to proclaim kingdom truth with heaven’s authority and the Lord is wiping you clean from anything that would stop you doing so.

There is a call for you to be one who brings the uncompromised, undiluted truth of God into the atmospheres and hearts around you – to be a genuine spokesperson for God on the earth. And, God is calling for streams of only living water to flow from your mouth.

As the people of God, we were made to communicate the truth of our God and not the opinion of this world. The Kingdom of God does not talk about politics, government, business, family, relationships, church and other things like the world does and, God is giving us an ear to hear Heaven’s opinion in this hour. You will deliver words that bring order and hope into the darkest and most chaotic of situations.

Today, you may want to lay hands on your mouth and repent for times when it hasn’t been used for Heavenly communication. Most importantly, pray that God comes and teaches you how He speaks about matters and asks Him to anoint your mouth to bring the uncompromised, undiluted truth of God into the earth.

James 3:11-12
Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.


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