“You are made to fulfil my purposes” – your Lion Bites word for today

The Lord has marked you for a specific purpose with particular abilities to fulfil this task. He has designed you to have many unique attributes – some you consider odd – so that you make a good job of what He has put before you.

And the Lord says “you are made to fulfil my purposes and are not made to only dream of this time. You are made to be one who starts some things, sees them through and completes them. You are made as a power-packed, ground-taking, kingdom-advance ambassador, and the Lord is empowering you to begin to manifest your purpose in the earth.”

Do not despise what God has put within you. Do not dislike your peculiarity. Do not allow your uniqueness to be distasteful to yourself. For many of the attributes that you would rather hide and the vehicles in which God will fulfil His purpose in you through.

Isaiah 64:8
Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.


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