A call to action

I am coming. I am coming quickly.

You hear this yet do not respond.
I am calling you to action.

I am calling you out of your buildings and onto the streets. I am calling you out of your places of comfort and I am stretching you, so that you might come forth into the new places I am setting before you. I am coming to those who will take a risk for me; those who will stand out for me and those who will even suffer persecution for me. I am coming to those in need; to those in pain; to those in despair. Will you meet me there? Will you go and take my light and my salvation ‘outside’? Will you be my hands and feet at this time? Will you meet me where I am?
I am in those places you have been contemplating going to and with those people you have considered reaching out to.
Go there. You will find me.

Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”


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