Daily Prophetic Words

Lion Bites are daily, personal, prophetic words, written to encourage, strengthen and comfort you.

Every day, Monday-Friday, our team send out these personal prophetic words around the world. They’re for your strengthening, comfort and encouragement. We’ve been listening to God and writing down what we believe He is saying for over a decade and you can browse the full archive of many thousands of words, below.

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What is the Holy Spirit saying to you today?

Well Done

You have said, “I will step into Your Refiners Fire God, I will choose to be purified from the inside out.”   I am always watching and I am such a proud Father. As a child does something his/her parent doesn’t have to negotiate to have their child do, you have set yourself willingly in […]

Read More26th July 2024

Reassess, Realign, Rejuvenate

The Lord says,  “I am watching you run the race that I have set for you. You’re keeping a good pace, and I am pleased with your perseverance and your pursuit of the reward. I want you to finish well and finish strong. So, I am asking you to pause for a moment and take […]

Read More25th July 2024

Dance out of the Wilderness

I am calling you out of the dry and difficult season where you were tried and tested.  Abandon yourself in Worship as you come out of the wilderness; dance with Me!    I have more for you as you emerge stronger than before with more trust and faith in Me.  Step into the destiny I have […]

Read More24th July 2024

Breath of Life

My beloved,  I am here for you, and I am offering you a quiet place to rest from your weariness. I am here to revive you. Lift up your head now as if catching a refreshing breeze. See, I am blowing gently on you, and as I do, allow Me to refresh you with My […]

Read More23rd July 2024

Refreshing Love

“I love each of you with the same love that the Father loves me. You must continually let my love nourish your hearts. If you keep my commands, you will live in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands, for I continually live nourished and empowered by his love.” (John 15:9-10, TPT) […]

Read More22nd July 2024

Welcome Holy Spirit

I am The Good Shepherd.  Haven’t I told you that I stand at the door and knock? I am standing, my staff is in My hand.  I am lifting it.  For anyone who will ask and believe,  I will give of My Spirit in abundance.  Yes, a waterfall from heaven; it is my desire to […]

Read More19th July 2024

Good Pasture

I am the Good Shepherd and I love you.  I see how life’s circumstances have spooked you and caused you to lose focus on me. But I am in pursuit of you; I am concerned for you and committed to you. I am willing to leave the other 99 just for you, to bring you […]

Read More18th July 2024

Rivers of Living Water

Dear ones, Instead of coming to Me for the water of life that will heal you and satisfy you, many of you are digging your own cisterns, cisterns that can hold no water.  Closed cisterns.  Limited cisterns. Instead, ask Me to fill you up, to give you the living water you seek.  Allow Me to […]

Read More17th July 2024

The Good Fight

My Beloved, you are my warrior bride. Keep up the good fight! Don’t give up! Don’t give in to the strategies and the discouragements of the enemy. Don’t let the opinions of men get the better of you.  Keep on fighting.  Keep on pushing through.  Keep on being renewed by my Spirit day by day. […]

Read More16th July 2024

Tree of Life

Am I not the God who restores all things?  It was always My plan. I speak of restoration in many ways, one of which is the tree of life.  It weaves as a theme through My story, depicting eternal life and provision for mankind.  It features, like bookends, in the garden of Eden and in […]

Read More15th July 2024

Above All

You have answered the call to purity. You have allowed me to expose and burn away the parts of you that did not honour me. You have understood what it means to fear me – to acknowledge my greatness and the weight of my glory. You have counted the cost. And now…. Now is the […]

Read More12th July 2024

Heavenly Joy

My child, come, let us dance together. I long to hold you in My arms and swirl you around to the rhythm of My heavenly music. Listen to the sound of Heaven. It is full of joy and wildness. Heaven is not quiet, My child. My heavenly realm is bursting with songs of praise and […]

Read More11th July 2024
Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Kingdom Living

The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit.  And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team


My dear child, I look at you and see you as a potted plant that has outgrown its pot. This pot has become too small for you. Your roots are squeezed and your leaves and flowers do not get enough nourishment. I Am the Good Gardener and I want to transplant you into a bigger

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Living Stones

You are a living stone chosen by me, shaped by me, and positioned by me. You were made to be part of a living wall that makes up a living temple. And that is where I dwell, in a living temple that will withstand storms and shaking ground. As you yield to me I will

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Keep On Asking

My beloved ones, You have forsaken my instruction to always pray and not give up. You have not believed my words. Haven’t I told you that if you ask you will receive? Have I not instructed you to be persistent? And yet you have grown tired of asking. You have stopped asking.  You have stopped

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Keep At It

My Beloved, today I encourage you to keep at it and do not give up. I challenge you to continue asking, seeking, and knocking. I know the questions you are afraid to ask and why.  I see what has caused you to fear the answer, so you have been silent to avoid disappointment. In the

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

New Steps

I have made a way for you to step into the new ways of doing church. This will be different for each person, therefore, it’s important to seek me at this time for the direction I want you to take so that you will be aligned with me, ready to advance and take ground. I

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Run for the Prize

Are you prepared for a sudden and mighty move of My Spirit?   No more standing on the side-lines or spectating from the bench. I need you to be race ready, match fit, with miles in your legs.  A professional athlete does not wake up one morning and decide to enter a race.  They are ready

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Lead with Vigour

My people, lead with vigour and anticipation! No matter where you are placed, you have a call to lead for you are a part of my body. Do not sit back declaring, “Leading is not meant for me!” “To lead,” looks like many things. It is knowing that you can change the tone of a

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Creator God

Beloved, I AM Elohim, the Mighty Creator God.  My creation is not static, but flows and moves to the beat of my heart! You need only watch a flower blossom from the humble beginnings of a seed or an animal who has brought forth its young. If I can create these, can you imagine what

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Encourage my Children

You have heard me say, “let the little children come to me.” In these times seek opportunities to let the precious children flourish and thrive in your places of worship. Allow them to minister fresh impartations of Holy Spirit anointing and fire! Teach them my Word and do not cease from investing patience and leadership,

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Eat with Me

The meal table is changing.  I am changing the way that you will see my table and how you are to approach it. In this season, I will train you on how to effectively use the meal table for My purposes. I want to show you how you will use it to minister to others

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Fellowship in Warfare

Beloved, in this season I am pouring out grace for deeper fellowship. Come and gather from the storehouses of Heaven the resources, the time, the energy, everything you need. It is time to stretch wide, open your home, feed many, and embrace depth, vulnerability, and generosity. The enemy is prowling and looking for those who

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