Jesus is highlighting the need for His people to pursue a new depth of personal freedom from demonic oppression.
Do not allow the enemy to linger on your doorstep or even to sit across your threshold any longer. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of your life that are still shadowed by the demonic and unholy – habitual sins and failings, for example. Have these areas remained in the dark, despite your repeated confessions and prayers of repentance?
It is time to clear these areas once and for all! It is time to rebuke the enemy in your doorway. Repent of your sin, repent of allowing the demonic this access to you. Now develop an authoritative language for rebuking the demons who are oppressing you in this area – tell them to get out of your life in no uncertain terms! And then ‘cast them out’ – blow them right out of your life (you might like to physically blow, yawn or cough them out at this point). Does that feel freer?
Finally, welcome the Holy Spirit to fill that area of your life with His light, life and goodness. Begin to walk in the fullness of your freedom. You have just been delivered!
Mark 16:17
These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;