Are you ready to step on board?

The Lord showed me a beautiful, golden train preparing to leave the station. There were five minutes left on the clock before it was due to leave. I felt a sense of urgency to get on board the train and not to miss it. A few people were on already, eating choice food and drinking the best wine in one of the carriages. There was plenty of room left and many people were milling around the platform – few were preparing to board; only one or two had tickets. Some were not even intending to purchase a ticket… they stood around the platform without purpose. Groups were taking a long time to say their farewells to friends and family and were in danger of missing the train. Many were assessing the risk of the journey before boarding and were afraid because it was a treacherous journey, with dangerous cliff crossings and high mountain tracks ahead.

The Lord said: ‘This is the train to glory. You who delay and seek further knowledge and confirmation of the destination will miss the move of my Spirit that is about to be released. If you are too focused on what you are leaving behind and the relationships I am asking you to step out of you will miss this move. Be alert. Be ready. Be prepared. Leave what I ask you to leave behind – just come, step up and in to all that I have prepared for you. You will not lack for anything. All who have ears to hear qualify to board… step in.’

Joshua 1:11
…Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you are to cross the Jordon, to go into possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you, to possess it.

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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