Arise and Build

Child of God, in this season, the Lord says to you, “Arise and build!”

The Lord says, “Now is the time to build the unique thing that I have mantled you to build. This very thing is unique to you, and it bears your DNA. I have appointed, anointed, and mantled you for this and I have blessed your hands to build it. What you are building is different from what you have seen before so for this reason, do not compare to what is familiar or entertain the thought “This is the way we’ve always done it!” Instead, just as the birds build their nests according to the intelligence that I have placed in them, you too must build according to the intelligence that I have placed in you which is My Holy Spirit.   And by following My Spirit, you will have a unique understanding of My plans.

Be encouraged that where I tell you to build is safe and it is here where you have My authorization, approval, favour, blessing, and protection. However, this grace is only available through obedience to My plan. You may face resistance from others but do not compromise My plans for their comfort. That will only distract you and cause you to build and create with them in mind.  Instead, create and build with Me in mind only. Build for My pleasure and as an offering and act of worship to Me. Know that I cover you on all sides and I will honour your willingness and obedience and give you success as you build for My glory alone.

Activation: Building for the Lord requires boldness to do so. Say the following prayer based on Acts 4:29-31 as a  regular prayer:

Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me, as your servant, to build for the Kingdom of God freely and courageously and with unrestrained boldness. Stretch out your hand of power through me to build according to your specifications and for Your glory alone.

Nehemiah 2:20 (AMP)

I answered them, “The God of heaven [has appointed us for His purpose and] will give us success; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you have no portion, right, or memorial in Jerusalem.”

Psalm 127:1 (GNT)

If the LORD does not build the house, the work of the builders is useless…

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