Arise and Rally!

You are my child and you are therefore one with a great calling as a son of mine. I have positioned you as one who will release and expand my Kingdom on the earth. You are an overcomer – one who can overcome the hurdles and plans of the enemy in your path. You are not weak – you are strong in me and I am with you! You are my son.

Do not sit back and allow complacency in; or allow yourself to be discouraged – for I, the Lord of all the hosts of Heaven, have called you to be one with me… and you have a destiny to be fulfilled. Arise and rally! Do not sit back and go to sleep! I have called you to awake and arise mighty one!

Fulfil what you have been called to do this day – and then the next day and the next… Do not be one who is overwhelmed by the call on your life, or by the future. Focus on today and fulfilling what you are called to this day. Advance my Kingdom! Overcome reluctance and distraction. Step into the fullness of my sonship that I have for you today.

Galatians 4:6
Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”


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