‘Be Healed!’ –  your Lion Bites word for today

You are not going to be always tired – God is making you full of unquenchable life.

Today, there is a word of freedom being spoken from Heaven for those who have battled attacks on their energy levels.

God is speaking alignment into your body today and, where it has worked against you and stopped you from progressing, there is a word of turning around being released so that it works for you and releases you to run after His good things.

I watched as a vat of oil was being released into the atmosphere, and it began so soak through your pores and into your body. This Heavenly oil moved through your blood and your vital organs (especially the liver) and started to bring order to chemical imbalances and blood conditions. As it moved round your body, the oil began to destroy fatigue, insomnia, sleep deprivation and brought order to other conditions, diagnosed and undiagnosed, that are prohibiting your progress.

Today, reach up into the atmosphere and, by faith, grab this vat of oil. Allow it come and to soak every fibre of your being and let the anointing of Heaven release life to you. In the name of Jesus your blood, liver, organs, energy levels, sleeping cycle, and the lymphatic system will function as God designed them to function properly!

You are not going to be always tired – God is making you full of unquenchable life.

Mark 6:13
And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them.


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