Boldness from the Throne Room  – your Lion Bites word for today

A new confidence and boldness is being released to you today from the Throne Room of God. A boldness which raises the voice to battle injustice, a song that shatters the strongholds of oppression, a declaration which causes the rocks to break into pieces.

You are a representative of the Lord on the earth and in you are solutions the world needs now. You are one called to change systems and structures of this world and overcome the spirit of this age by your prayers; through your words and your actions.

God is saying to you today, ‘Do not waste the opportunity to be bold and courageous in these days for there is an anointing of fresh courage from Heaven being poured out upon you which is yours to receive.’

Be bold and courageous, be one like Joshua, like Gideon and Daniel. Walk forward, speak out! For these are the days of God’s Church arising in a new more determined way.

Your prayer today is ‘God enable me to speak your word with great boldness in every area you send me!’ (Acts 4:29)


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