Change Your Position – your Lion Bites word for today

I am calling you higher; calling you into a place of change. I am calling you to change and come up higher.

Why do you hesitate? Am I not the God who can be trusted? Will you trust me and step through the open door into the higher place? Step into a higher calling on your life; for as I move you forward, you will take others with you. Will you take this new position? Will you move forward?

It’s time to move forward for the old has gone. Shake off the dust, shake off the past and take up your position.

Isaiah 43:18-19 MSG
Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.

Revelation 4:1
Then I looked, and oh!- a door open into Heaven. The trumpet-voice, the first voice in my vision, called out, “Ascend and enter, I’ll show you what happens next.”


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