Clean out the old and see what I will do!

Today is the day for you to clean out the old. The old that I am talking about are the offences and the hurts by the hands and words of others that you have held onto for so long. Some you have buried in that place of forgotten-ness, yet some are fresh and raw.

I tell you that today the power to break those chains that bind you is in your hands – and that power is forgiveness. Choose this day to forgive, dig up those old offences and hurts and choose to forgive, choose to bless… then I will come and heal you and restore you.

You see, the chains of unforgiveness are self-inflicted – and the enemy just loves to hang weights on those chains – but the power of forgiveness is in your hands… you must choose to use it. So, clean out the old today, no matter how fresh it is, and see what I will do in your life!

Matthew 18:35  (NASB)
My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart.
(Read the whole passage from Matthew 18:21-35)


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