Come to Meet Me

My child, when a king comes in glory, the centre of peoples’ lives are changed. When the cry goes up that the King is nearly there, almost on the doorstep, then the old order of things is scattered, and a new order emerges. The watchmen cry out, the gatekeepers fling wide the gates, and the people gather in crowds, ready to meet the king.

In the same way, my child, at this time the old centre of your spiritual life is changing. The old ways of connecting with me are shifting and the old ways of meeting with one another are altering. Let the excitement of the season carry you on eager legs to prepare to meet with me. As you do so, you will show those around you the way as well. Let your posture change from that of daily business, to that of coming to meet with me.

Do not disqualify yourself, believing that you may as well stay behind. Do not let doubt undermine your hope. Instead, embrace an eager expectation of my presence. Let the excitement of the occasion fill you with joy and peace as you believe in me! 

Activation: Tell Jesus you are readying yourself to meet with Him! Let your excitement that He is nearly here, right on the doorstep, rise up! Spend a few moments just now focusing on Him and what His coming means. Here are some questions to ask: How will you feel when He comes? How will you welcome Him? How do you want to welcome Him into this moment, right now? Once you’ve done that, can you feel His delight in you? Can you see His eyes looking at you, can you feel the kindness and excitement in His gaze? 

Revelation 3:20 (NLT)

Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.

Matthew 24:33 (BSB)

So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door.

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