Declaring against stuckness –  your Lion Bites word for today

God lead us to warfare against a spirit of ‘stuckness’ in a recent team worship time. Many of you have found yourselves in an unusually ‘stuck’ place and unable to advance in the righteous things that God has given you. Your prayers of breakthrough may have seemed ineffectual.

And the Holy Spirit showed this ‘stuckness’ like a cat struggling to expel a furball. There is a stuckness in your throat that has been stopping your words and preventing you from making good decrees that will be established for you.

But today this stuckness ends, by the mighty power of Jesus Christ! Join us in making a decree, many thousands of voices strong, that our throats are released and we are unstuck, because Jesus Christ is Lord.

In faith we unstick ourselves from where we need to move from and we look to where we need to land.
Begin to make powerful decrees:

In the name of Jesus we decree that 2018 will be the year of house-moving for those who have been waiting to shift and that there will be homes and financial breakthrough for those who need this. We decree that there will be a decrease in homelessness across the land this winter.

We call in the year of miracles and decree that 2018 will be the year of the most ‘extraordinary’ miracles that we have ever seen, just as in Acts 19, in Ephesus, God did extraordinary miracles through Paul.

We unstick ourselves from that place that we are in right now where we have repeatedly contended for healing but we haven’t seen the full fruit of our prayers. We speak to the spirit of ‘stuckness’ and we declare that you are shifted, in the mighty name of Jesus!

We decree life over death!

We decree order over the nation. We decree wisdom into the minds and mouths of our leaders, such as Prime Minister Theresa May. We say to those who seek to hinder and corrupt the order of things: ‘Stand Down!’ We decree that Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will find you as her Saviour, Jesus. Those of you in other nations, make good decrees over your leaders.

We decree an over-turning of sex trafficking rings in our cities and an exposure to those who are running these depraved networks – even by the end of 2017.

We decree that the Saints of God will live and inhabit the key lines of communication across the nation.

We decree that Jesus you are King, that you are the Ruler and the Strong Tower in our country.

Job 22:28
You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways.


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