Do not allow Kingdom thinking to be attacked

To God be the glory! All power is His!

Our enemy has immediate plans to cause a “stroke” in the church. Be vigilant, prayerful and discerning in these days.

A stroke is an attack on the brain caused by lack of bloodflow. The brain is where we do our thinking and the deceiver, whose goal is to kill and destroy, has desires to stifle and subdue our ‘Kingdom-thinking’. The church is rising up in ‘Kingdom-thinking’ in these days – ‘Kingdom-thinking’ that believes in healing, salvation and freedom in Christ – yes, even deliverance from the chains that have bound people for generations. ‘Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven’.

The enemy knows that he cannot dispute this thinking, for it is God’s truth. It stands true for all eternity. Therefore, one of his schemes is to restrict bloodflow to the places where these Kingdom truths are thought, believed and acted upon. When the brain undergoes a stroke, parts of the body can be paralysed, even cut-off from the rest. Therefore, stand firm! Know that the truth will prevail. Know that, no-matter the attempts to cut you and your brothers and sisters from circulation, you remain under the all-powerful, protective blood of the lamb of God!

You will not perish. Hold on firmly to God’s truth in these days and His word will keep you alive. As Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour said, ‘Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life’. (John 5:24)

John 8:32
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.


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