Dream with Me

Over the summer I am bringing attention to the night time. My revelation will come as you slumber and sleep. 

I have plans and blueprints for you that you can only receive through dreams because then I will have your full attention, no distractions of daily activities. These are comprehensive insights that need to be downloaded in your spirit in order to build the new. But you have to ask Me to give it you and then take the steps of obedience to pay attention to the dreams. 

Write the night visions down, even if you only remember a small part. Don’t despise small beginnings. Then, talk to Me about it, talk to others about it, listen to teachings of experts about it. Start cultivating a lifestyle of a dreamer so that you can dream with Me. 

Dreams are not a one off event that will carry a message for that day or that week. And I don’t give a dream every now and then. Be expectant of a dream every night. I want you to meditate and ponder on what the dreams brought you so that I can reveal even more about it. Ask for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to get to know Me better through the dream realm. Getting to know Me better will understand My plans better. And those who ask for wisdom will receive it. 

If the enemy is stealing your sleep, know that I give sleep to my loved ones and that the night belongs to Me. Stand in your authority and command him to leave and know that what the enemy steals from the righteous, I will restore. 


First, pray aloud: Lord, I want to receive your dreams and dream with You. Let me see in the night the plans you have for me. I will listen and write down your instructions. Bless me with the spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to get to know you better through dreams.  In the name of Jesus, I open up the widows of heaven to receive His dreams.

Next, ask the Lord to bring to mind a dream that you need to ponder on to get more revelation from Him. Then dig deeper into the dream.

Psalm 127:2 (NIV)
In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.

Acts 2:17 (NIV)

“In the last days,” God says, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”


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