Don’t drown – live fully in me

I had a vision of a group of God’s people: they were drowning, flailing in the deep waters. In the vision, the water depicted the world and worldly living. Two lifebelts were thrown to the people in the water and these lifebelts had written on them FAITH and SPIRIT.

I heard the Lord say, ‘My people are being drowned by the world. They are trying to be of the world and live in me. My people need to come out of all things that are of the world. To be in it, yet not of it. To influence it but not be overcome by it.

When they choose to live in the ways of the world they are agreeing with false responsibilities, false judgements and the false expectations that are put on them. It weighs them down and threatens to drown them.’

I heard the Lord say to those who were drowning, ‘Do not agree to live under these false burdens any more. Take hold of my faith and my Spirit which will enable you to pull up and out on to safe ground -to pull out of the things of the world that you need to. Agree by faith and by my Spirit to come out . Choose to live in me fully and completely.’

Zechariah 4:6
…Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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