
Don’t give up! Don’t be discouraged because I am bringing others alongside you who will help shoulder the heavy load you have been carrying. You need a family to gather around you to encourage, love, sharpen, and push you forward! You were created for community; you were never meant to journey alone! 

Lay down the false burdens that you’ve picked up or that have been placed upon you. Allow My love to wash away all your performance and striving so that you can pick up the light yoke which has been designed for you. 

Each of the people that I am bringing into your life carries a piece of the puzzle to unlock Heaven in your region. As you link arms and connect with them in a unified cause, the whole picture will come together creating a mosaic of what heavenly family looks like. Learn how to plough together in this season so you don’t burn out before reaching your destination. Pace yourself with others so you can partner with Heaven’s larger vision of harvest and restoration on the earth. See how much more you will accomplish as you work together as the unified Body of Christ!

Prayer: Father, I recognize my need for covenant family, and I repent where I have tried to do life on my own. Help me to learn to work with them in unity to bring you glory and increase your vision on the earth.

Ephesians 4:16 (NLT)

He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.


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