Fear not my people

Fear not my people. Do not fear the world and its systems or the night’s darkness as it becomes darker. Do not fear the uncertainty of things that were once certain. Do not fear the future. Do not fear tomorrow.

For you are over-comers, you are ones to stand when all around you falls. You are ones to hold fast when others have nothing to hold onto. You are able. You are more than able. You are more than able to stand and hold fast, for I have overcome the world. I have overcome all that seeks to bring you unease and uncertainty in these days.

I am your rock, your anchor; hold fast to me, for I have hold of you. You are made in my image. You are an over-comer. Agree to overcome whatever would come against you.

To all that comes against you say, ‘I am an overcomer because of Jesus Christ!’ Live, think, walk, breathe, as one who overcomes.

Revelation 2:26
To him who overcomes and does my will to the end I will give authority over the nations.


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