My children, I am calling you to assess and re-examine some of the foundations in your life, the very bedrock of what you have built on. Some of you have tried to build something of beauty on foundations that were not up to the job. It has left you feeling disheartened and disappointed when what you built began to crumble in the storms that came.
Take time with me to look again at what you are building on. Look again at that part of the structure that nobody sees but is required to support all that is built upon it.
There is a grace in this season to re-examine these personal foundations and strengthen areas that need to be strengthened, as you allow me to re-align anything that needs to be re-aligned with the plumbline of my word, says the Lord.
Matthew 7:24-25
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock.
Be My Disciple
My Beloved, I call you closer to me, closer to...
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