Gifts ???? – your Lion Bites word for today

We are coming into the season of advent and perhaps you are beginning to anticipate the giving and receiving of gifts.

I saw a scene full of gifts – boxes – huge, glittering boxes, all tied up with brightly coloured ribbons. There were also small glass boxes, containing precious oils and perfumes. And there were medium-sized boxes, wrapped in coloured paper, with name tags attached. These are gifts that the Father has lovingly selected and wrapped, specifically for each one of His children.

However, amongst these bright and carefully wrapped gifts are some that are tattered, bashed and torn. The gift wrap has faded with age. And I see Father God gently lift these boxes with tears in His eyes, because these are the gifts that lie unclaimed and unused by His children.
I heard Him say, ‘Come, claim the gifts that you have longed for and open the boxes, for they are filled with surprises for you. Am I not a Father that gives immeasurably more that you know how to hope or ask for?’

Are there gifts you once hoped for from God that you have long given up on? Have you given up on some prayers or hopes for restoration, identity and family? Is your faith for healing, life, wholeness and belonging lying tattered and forgotten? Don’t hold back! Come and open these boxes, for they are here exclusively for you to open!

Even as you would receive gifts and blessings in the natural, you should also be expectant with anticipation to receive and open these gifts from heaven. Receive from God with joy and excitement, for we are in a time of an abundance of faith and wonderful answers to prayer.

Revelation 22:17
‘The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life’.

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