Gifts, released from Heaven

I saw thousands of pairs of wings being released from Heaven. They were on either side of boxes and the wings were bringing the boxes to earth. The boxes were different colours and contained gifts inside them.

God says of the gifts, ‘These gifts I give to you – gifts of love, gifts to strengthen; of patience, perseverance, fortitude, forbearance, supernatural energy, peace, hope and joy. For I am releasing my treasures to you, to equip and release you into the greater things to come!

So my people, receive these gifts of love I give you, and rejoice! For you are loved and you are cherished! See how I love you. Receive your gift and feel it change you inside and watch the atmosphere change around you. Rejoice for I am the Lord who saves and transforms. I am bringing new life this day. Receive this new life – receive your gift.’

Romans 11:29
For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.


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