God is preparing a highway – your Lion Bites word for today

Angels are in a state of excitement and high activity because they have received a command to begin preparing a highway which will not be confined to one city or even a single nation but will be a highway of holiness, carrying the glory of the Lord into the whole earth.

There is a sound, like the sound of a trumpet, going out in this hour, calling you to a lifestyle of holiness and wide-awake active engagement in Heaven’s plans. Jesus desires that you join with the angelic hosts of heaven in preparing for a mighty, worldwide move of God’s holy power.

Like a hidden, dusty space which seemed to evade being noticed at the spring clean, the Lord is coming with abundant grace to shine the pure, white, illuminating light of His truth on your life. Don’t be afraid to ‘pull back the carpet’ and see the areas of darkness, secrecy or compromise which lie in the recesses of your heart. The Holy Spirit is alongside you, enabling the process and will fill you with such a liberating freedom and joy as you throw off all that hinders you from walking in the fullness of His glory.

If you truly desire to be used excellently of God in this pivotal time in history then holiness is to be your mantle.

Prepare the way for revival by upgrading your prayer life. Let worship rise and drown out all fear. Be determined to lay aside distraction and make time to read His word. The Holy Spirit longs to impart fresh revelation to you as you spend time alone with God.

It’s time to align with heaven in preparing the highway of holiness on which the Kingdom of God advances. Angels are ready – are you?

Psalm 139:23-24 (a prayer to pray)
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

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