God’s Glory in Everything – your Lion Bites word for today

Don’t wait for the rare and mighty explosions of power but see that my power is manifest all around you! It is not only in the mighty signs that you will find me but my power and glory is in manifest in you and all around you.

Let me open your eyes to see the wonder in every moment today, the intricacies of life that surround you. When you really look you will see the glory that I have deposited in other people. Also, notice my glory in the food that grows and finds itself to your table, rejoice in the glory that is revealed by the sun rising every day and in the wild flowers by the road side.

Be still, open your heart, allow me to reveal my glory – not just in the explosions but even in the gentlest of ways.

Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.


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