Grace to ‘seal the deal’  –  your Lion Bites word for today

The Lord says “there is grace to ‘seal that deal’, make that decision and step into a new season. Many of my people have been battling over deals and decisions for a long period of time, and the enemy released a curse of protracted finishing and decision-making processes, yet now I reverse this. Where the dragged out process has wearied you and caused disappointment to rise in your midst, now you will know hope and finishing.

For I am moving into your circumstances to deal with your discouragement and ‘seal the deals’ that are important for the advance of my Kingdom. And you will not only will you know restoration in this regard; you will know upgrade.”

For those in business:
The Lord says “I call this season for you, my marketplace influencers, the hour to occupy. This is the time to pursue buildings and territories that have remained only a dream and occupy them. For the entrepreneurs, there is anointing to birth the new business and occupy. Birth the new ventures and occupy them. Start the new projects and occupy them. Close the door on the last season of business and occupy the new season.”

For all:
“Oh, my influencers come up higher and see that what you are touching at this time is only a scratch on the surface of what I am about to give into your hands. For you are finishing yes, but you are beginning! Seal the deal, make the decision, choose the path I’ve laid on your heart, have that conversation and be pushed forward into new times. You will make the right decision.” Says the Lord.

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”


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