I am setting in motion glorious advance –  your Lion Bites word for today

The spirit of the Lord says to you “I have ended not just a moment or a season, but I have brought an era to its end and set a new era in motion. For this is the hour of the glorious advance of my church – that includes you, Lion! This is the time of moving as an army and loving as a family, of glory and of advance and of triumph around every corner.

In this time I am not calling you to shrink back or to sit down. Instead, I am calling you to arise from the place of preparation and move forward using the gifts and abilities I’ve already equipped you with. For I am mobilising my church – that means I am mobilising you, Lion! And what I set in motion, not scheme of hell or man can halt.

In these coming days, you will know emotional wholeness and physical healing. As you cross over into this new year you are coming to a greater level of the manifestations of my spirit in your life – signs, wonder and miracles will flow from you, and you won’t be able to help yourself from expressing my kingdom come. You will know possession of territory – new houses and flats, premises for your business or organisation, deals that have been in the pipeline for far too long, and dreams that have always remained dreams will now become realities that you outwork. But, most dominantly, you will know mobilisation as I move through you at a level you’ve not even dreamed of.

I am mobilising you; I am pushing you through your door, I am setting in motion the glorious advance of my church – that’s you, Lion!

Haggai 2:9
The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place, I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”


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