“I’m holding back the water” – your Lion Bites word for today

The Lord is saying “no matter how fast the waters of life come at you, they are not going to overwhelm you for I am holding them back. They may pile up so high that you cannot see the top, but they are not going to crash in over your head.

See, the way ahead of you is clear, and you can take the time you need to walk purposefully and to maintain a sure footing. You do not need to panic to get things done quickly or rush through situations in haste for fear that they are going to overwhelm you. Trust me. Just as I performed a miracle for Moses and the Israelites as they fled out of Egypt and again for the Priests carrying the Ark, so I will perform unseen miracles on your behalf. Don’t look to the left or the right. Don’t look at the situations that threaten to engulf you but keep your eyes fixed ahead and your heart set on the vision before you.”

Psalm 93:4
Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the LORD on high is mighty!


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