Hebrews 12:14-15
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.
I saw the Lord release a written decree from Heaven to the Earth marked with His seal. It is a decree to end the bitterness that has brought death to the church – the body of Christ. This bitterness has killed many brothers and sisters in Christ, spiritually, and the Lord is saying, ‘No More’.
I see that bitterness has grown within us to eat us up from the inside out and also releasing death to the person we are bitter towards. It looks like a cancer but it operates like a highly infectious virus, spreading like wildfire through the body of Christ.
I hear the Spirit of the Lord say, ‘I am calling an end to bitterness. Do not partner with it, for it is a cancer that pervades your being and brings nothing but death. It is killing my church, one individual at a time and I now say: Church, let go of bitterness! Do not agree with it, hold it or partner with it.‘
There is a call to repentance for where we as individuals and as a body of Christ have agreed with bitterness. Today is the day to reject it and never again partner with it.
God asks us today to choose love as our response EVERY time; to choose love and release love.
We are commanded to love God, our enemies, our neighbour and one another. Love is the only way to life – choose to love and break the power that bitterness has over you and the glorious church.