Letter from Heaven

My Cherished Child,

I love you. Since the beginning of time, I anticipated your birth. When you were conceived, I was the happiest Father in the universe! My heart burst with excitement, and all of heaven celebrated with Me. You were 100% planned and wanted by Me.

I had the privilege of forming you. As you took shape, I fell deeper in love with you. Your little hands and feet began to develop and your heart began to beat. What a precious sight that melted My heart. You were so delicate in your mother’s womb. I took great care and made you, My masterpiece.

When you were born, I was happy you would finally have a chance to know Me. I held My breath until you did, and now I am ecstatic you found Me. It is My greatest joy.

Now here we are, sweet child. 

I just wanted to remind you how much you mean to Me. I love you more than words and am blessed to call you Mine. Look at how far you’ve come! You are honoured in My sight. Keep up the great work, and know I am here, always just a prayer away.


Your Father

Activation: Let the truth of these words sink into your heart. Thank God for making His heart known to you today and allow healing to take place. If you feel moved, write a love letter back. Thank God for sharing His heart, and tell Him how much He means to you, too. Receive the outpouring of His love, allowing it to make you complete.

Jeremiah 1:5a (NIV)

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.

3 John 1:4 (NIV)

I have no greater joy than to hear that My children are walking in the truth.

Isaiah 43:4 (NIV)

Since you are precious and honoured in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.

Well Done

You have said, “I will step into Your Refiners Fire...

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