Lily of the Valley

My Dear One, you are my lily of the valley, my lily among the thorns. As you have journeyed through valleys of difficulty and navigated tough terrain for my name’s sake, you have brought so much light in the darkness, for you carry my Spirit wherever you go!

At times, it has been hard for you to see yourself as I do. The residue of tough times has left you feeling worn out, exhausted, misunderstood, and unloved. I want to remind you that my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways. 

Do you know that you are altogether beautiful to me? In the same way a lily of the valley graces a bridal bouquet as a symbol of hope, so are you part of my bride, my ecclesia, my church. 

Today, will you draw near to me and let me show you a fresh view of yourself? Will you allow me to wash away the residue of tough roads travelled, bathe your wounds, and heal your heart? For I am Jehovah Rapha, the One who delights to heal you. 


  1. Take a moment and ask Holy Spirit to show you any areas where you have wounds that need healing. Then invite Him to heal them and spend some time resting in his presence allowing him to minister to you. You may find it helpful having worship music on.
  2. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind any areas where you are not seeing yourself as he does. Jot them down in a list. Ask Him to show you what the truth is about how he sees you. For each area on your list,  jot down what he reveals to you. He may give you a verse or show you a picture in your mind of how he sees you. If he does, you can either draw a picture or write what you see. Then take the paper with you all day and read it often to remind yourself of His perspective.

Psalm 84: 5-8 (AMP)

Blessed and greatly favoured is the man whose strength is in You,
In whose heart are the highways to Zion
Passing through the Valley of Weeping (Baca), they make it a place of springs;
The early rain also covers it with blessings.
They go from strength to strength [increasing in victorious power];
Each of them appears before God in Zion.

Isaiah 55:8 (NIV)

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.

Song of Solomon 2:1-4 (AMP)

(The Bride)

“I am the rose [of the plain] of Sharon,
The lily of the valleys [that grows in deep places].”

(The Bridegroom)

“Like the lily among the thorns,
So are you, my darling, among the maidens.”

(The Bride)

“Like an apple tree [rare and welcome] among the trees of the forest,
So is my beloved among the young men!
In his shade I took great delight and sat down,
And his fruit was sweet and delicious to my palate.

“He has brought me to his banqueting place,
And his banner over me is love [waving overhead to protect and comfort me].”

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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