‘Lion Roars’ – Prophetic Word, June 2014

Advance without delay!

The anointing for this time is for advance and breakthrough. It is time for a new level and God is opening the doors of heaven to facilitate advance and breakthrough for you – personally, in your family, your business, your church, your community… God wants to take us to a new place.

2 Samuel 5:20
So David went to Baal Perazim and there he defeated [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][the Philistines]. He said, ‘As waters break out, the Lord has broken out against my enemies before me.’ So that place was called Baal Perazim [means ‘God of the Breakthrough’]

God, as Master of the Breakthrough, is advancing His people and His church into a vastly different place. Just as an advance in science changes thought processes and practical applications, so the advance in the Church and in individual lives will change how we think and do things.

You can consider yourself successful in this season if nothing looks familiar to you and there is a little bit of mess around!

There is favour for birthing new Kingdom projects, relationships and businesses, building new Kingdom projects, relationships and businesses and establishing new Kingdom projects, relationships and businesses.

There is an urgency and a blessing in birthing, building and establishing. However, time is short, so be quick to act now, whilst there is a favour from heaven. Do not procrastinate, for this is an ‘open door’ time for advancing through!

In this season of advance, God is asking us to fix our gaze on Him like never before – for in this we will see His BIGNESS, and it will shift what we expect to see flow from His hand. If we don’t fix our gaze on God we will build too small and it will cap us for several years to come.

And the Lord would ask us to drop what is fruitless and to walk away from dead projects and relationships. If you have been stuck or frustrated in trying to build something that is not getting to where it should, now is the time to let it go. Don’t waste more years on the fruitless tree but instead sow the seeds that you have within you into a new, fertile soil for the season.

Unity and Intimacy

God is calling us to a new dimension of living vulnerably with each other.

1 Peter 2:5
you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is asking us, as living stones, to not sit apart, but to allow ourselves to be built together. He is calling us, at this time, to close and personal fitted togetherness.

The Lord is promising His people in this hour a weight of His glory and presence – but only if we get ‘fitted together’. God’s glory will be seen most dominantly in places of unity of the Spirit and collective hunger. This means that we have to be prepared to get alongside each other, to learn to let each other close and to learn to let our guard down. This is not a prophetic word of large displays of unity, but a word of the condition of our hearts. The next big battle of the church will be dealing with our fear of intimacy, our independent spirits – a journey into vulnerability and learning to trust.

Ephesians 2:21-22
In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

We heard the Spirit of the Lord say that He wanted us to engage in ‘armpit living’ – living heart-to-heart with one another, in each other’s spaces (even if it is uncomfortable!). As we do this, there will be a new revelation of Jesus’ Bridegroom love for us – and the Church/Nation is about to step into a heightened sensitivity of the love of Jesus.

Commend each other, favour one another’s churches and ministries before your own. Promote each other, for the sake of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.


There are new leadership mantles for the youth and for those who have been overlooked. They are surprising because they are not always given to the people we would naturally have thought of or expected.

God is taking unjust and unrighteous leaders out of position. There is a short window to choose God’s ways… or the grace will lift for leadership.

Justice and Children

God is moving with righteousness and justice towards children. Scandals will be exposed, even within social services, education, the judiciary and the police. There will be nowhere to hide, even amongst the most wealthy and influential. There will be protests on the street as abuse rings are exposed. God is moving towards our nation to bring His righteous rescuing over the children.

We saw space being made for ‘Kingdom Educators’ to find key roles – and also ‘Kingdom Influencers’ – over children’s issues in Government.


‘Oh land of mountains! I shall make you a mountain on which my glory dwells.

My glory on the land will not be like anything seen before.’

Scotland is being wooed by God and she is coming into a greater union with Him. Other unions will break as Scotland chooses to allow God to take her reins again. In a year of decisions for the destiny of nations, the most important one is this nation’s union with God.

Scotland will have a voice. Her voice will be heard in the nations. Scotland will be known around the world as a ‘healing hub’ – and nations will come here for healing. Scotland is in a re-birth time and, although there are – and will be – many aches and pains, she will become a garden of Europe agriculturally and a centre of innovation and of culture. This should not be held onto selfishly but will be shared over Europe. And Scotland will take a parenting role in Europe, as Europe continues to be shaken.

Scotland will become an ‘in vogue’ nation, pulling to the nation an increase in tourism, manufacturing, commerce and outside investment. Scotland will be attractive to new trading partners, especially China.


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  • “Am I positioned for advance and breakthrough, or do I have the brakes on and the anchor down?”
  • “Am I procrastinating – is there something I should be birthing/building/establishing in this season?”
  • “Is there anything I need to drop that is fruitless?”


  • Pray that we, the church, might individually and corporately fix our gaze on God like never before.
  • Pray for breakthrough for the people of God in every sphere and sector of society.


  • “Where are the areas that I have my guard up and where I’m not living vulnerably with my borthers and sisters?”
  • “What can I do to favour and promote other people and the work they do?”


  • Lord, help us to do what it takes to be fitted together, living heart-to-heart.
  • Thank you Lord for sacrificially loving us. Help me to love sacrificially – show me what this looks like in this season, Lord.


  • Pray for all leaders, as Jesus Christ would pray for them.
  • Pray for young people and those who have been overlooked – that they would answer the new call to leadership.


  • Is there someone unexpected that needs to be given more responsibility?


  • …that unrighteousness would be exposed and that no evil would remain hidden, for the sake of those who have been victims of abuse.
  • …for healing, hope, peace and life on the streets of our villages, towns and cities and for our children.


  • How can I be a Kingdom solution for children – in politics and in education?


  • That Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland and all the nations of the world would choose to come into greater union with God.
  • That God will dwell in glory upon the land of Scotland.
  • Pray that all partnerships with ungodly spirits such as the political spirit, the religious spirit, the divisive spirit, pride, fear and poverty would be broken and not made in this season.
  • For love, not enmity, between nations and peoples, especially between Scotland and the other nations of the UK.


  • (For those living in Scotland) Ask yourself, ‘If God asked me to vote differently to how I had intended/would like/feel I should, how would I feel? How easily could I be obedient to him?’
  • Do I need to spend more time in prayer and listening to God over my vote in the Scottish Independence Referendum?


All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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