Live Unburdened

My child,

What wonder there is for you to enjoy! While there is much concern and heaviness in the world’s atmosphere, remember that you can live above it! You are seated with Christ at my right hand. Remember the authority you carry and position yourself accordingly. You can know my timing and recognize the seasons without becoming burdened and undone.

Indeed! While there is much challenge and heartache, I would have you focused on the wonder of my Kingdom, pulling people up high with you!

Take the stance of a victor, a conqueror! Posture yourself in wondrous awe and joyful gratitude as you remember that you have the victory. 

While the world’s circumstances may weigh upon you, remember who it is that dwells within you. Let your spirit lead you through your days as you find your security in me. For as you dwell upon that truth and step into the fullness of the authority I have bestowed upon you, you will find yourself shaking the darkness and shining a light of hope upon those who need it most. 

Activation: Turn to Ephesians 1:15-22. First, read these verses over yourself as a declaration and move into a time of prayer as Holy Spirit leads. Next, ask Holy Spirit to bring to mind someone who you can pray for. Again, using Ephesians 1:15-22 as a guide, spend time praying and decreeing over their life. 

Psalm 28:7-9 (TPT)

YAHWEH is my strength and my wraparound shield. When I fully trust in you, help is on the way. I jump for joy and burst forth with ecstatic, passionate praise! I will sing songs of what you mean to me! You will be the inner strength of all your people, YAHWEH, the mighty protector of all, and the saving strength for all your anointed ones. Save your people whom you love, and bless your chosen ones. Be our shepherd leading us forward, forever carrying us in your arms! 

Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

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