New Delivery, New Assignment

You’ve got mail! Expect a new envelope from heaven in the post today. There is a new assignment with your name inscribed on it. It has been sealed in heaven, so that only you may receive, open and read what it contains.

Some of you dread the receiving the mail. It brings only bad news and bills. But your heavenly Father is not like this. Your account with Him has already been settled, there are no bills for you to pay. Expect something good from Him!

Are you excited? God has your address – He knows where to find you. He wants to use you and has things to tell you. Were you waiting by the letterbox to see what He had for you today? If not, why not take a moment and go and look… look and see, listen and hear; ask the Holy Spirit, ‘What is your assignment for me today?’

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


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