New hope and purpose

Every generation is important to the Lord. There is no ‘forgotten generation’. For the Spirit of the Lord says, ‘I am calling even the older generations into a time of awakening. If you believe in your hearts that I still have a plan and a purpose for your life then I will begin to reveal it to you.

You are precious in my sight. You carry so much knowledge, wisdom and discernment. If you are ready to give up or not come forward; or you say, with doubt in your heart, ‘Who am I ? What use am I?’, then how will others know and learn about My ways? Do not cry out like Job, ‘What strength do I have, that I should hope? And what is my end, that I should prolong my life?’

Do not say in your heart, ‘…but I am old’. Age in My Kingdom does not get looked upon as disqualification. It is looked upon as a precious gem, made stronger and more beautiful with time.

Awaken, My Mothers and Fathers in the Kingdom, for you are needed and required this day! Shake off the dust of oppression and worthlessness, for you are more precious to Me than you could ever imagine!

I am calling some of you still to be teachers: you carry so much that needs to be released to empower, build up and encourage the generations.

I am calling you to once again to rely on My strength. Let me fill you with new hope and purpose, for I still have plans for you to fulfill!

Psalm 92:14
They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green


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