Permission to dream

You are made to be one of influence. I have called you by name. I have called you for such a time as this, to step out and step up into the greater things that I have ordained for this time.
You are one who will see the greater things established on this earth. You are one who will call to life things that were dead. You are one who will step into the fullness of my Spirit as I release ‘the more’ in this season.

Stay close to me and watch as I shift your expectations and thinking. Watch, as I release dreams you thought were dead and hopes for the future that you thought were dashed. I am the God of the resurrection and I speak life to what looked dead. It was only asleep and I am now awakening those things which you had long forgotten. Your dreams are my desires for you. Pursue them. For it is in the realisation of your dreams you will enter into the fullness of your destiny.

Psalms 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.


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