Presence… and explosive power! – your Lion Bites word for today

You have been adopted in my family, therefore you are my child, my heir, you carry my presence and power. Many of you know that you belong to me and that you are my child but many do not fully believe that you also carry my presence and my power. If you did the world around you would be getting turned upside down for my glory and my fame. It is time to stop believing what the enemy says about you and who he says you are and choose to believe my truth. The enemy has limited my people for too long: it time to renounce and break agreement with his lies that have ensnared and brought limitation to my people and what I have commissioned them to do.

Hear this people of God, Jesus said that ALL power and authority has been given to you. He did not say some but ALL power and authority. You carry the dunamis power of God; that means dynamite power, explosive power! 

What has God called His people to do? We are called to carry on where Jesus left off. We are His body here on earth; we are called to bring His Kingdom here on earth by carrying His presence and His power into every place that our feet tread.

It’s time to fully believe and embrace ALL that God has given us. We carry His presence and power, so be expectant to see the world round about you be turned upside down for His glory and His fame. Remember, Jesus never left a person or place the same way that He found them. In fact, they were never the same again!
Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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