Press in to steward signs & wonders –  your Lion Bites word for today

The Kingdom of God is coming with power, signs, wonders and miracles. Can you see it? Are you pressing forth to receive it?

There is a mighty rushing torrent of manifestations of the power of God forcefully advancing in the earth; there are miraculous healings, impossible restorations, wonderous alignments coming now. This work is a now work. Healings for long-standing issues are here now; headaches that have followed you all your days, joint pain that doesn’t shift despite medical advice, issues with hearing, sight, and the functions of the filtering systems of your body and more are all gone in Jesus’ name!

Whilst this move is absolutely coming without retreat, God is asking you to press forth and lay hold of it, that it might be yours to own and steward. God wants to heal you, yes! God wants to set you free, yes! But He also wants you to steward His supernatural, transforming power into the lives of others, that you might be a conduit for this mighty and fresh move of His Kingdom.

So, press in! Pursue God in prayer and fasting! Receive your miracle but also receive the ability to steward other’s miracles.

1 Corinthians 2:4 AMP
And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom [using clever rhetoric], but [they were delivered] in demonstration of the [Holy] Spirit [operating through me] and of [His] power [stirring the minds of the listeners and persuading them].


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