Push! There is more for you…

‘Press through to access more!’, says the Lord. ‘Don’t stop where you have got to, it is not yet time to set-up camp. There are deeper places in me to be journeyed too. I have much more for you, things that you can’t even imagine right now. They are waiting for those who will push and press on; those who apply their shoulders to the doors ahead will breakthrough into greater mysteries and miracles in me.’

By all means, consolidate and secure what you have already gained knowledge and understanding in. But do not stop there, don’t be satisfied with the beginnings of what He has for you. What you think you have is not all that there is to be known of Him.

Humble yourself – put your shoulder to the door once again and PUSH! Work for the MORE of God in your life.

Luke 8:18
Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they think they have will be taken from them.”

(see also Matthew 13:12, Luke 19:26; Mark 4:25; Matthew 25:29)


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