Rivers of life

I see rivers of life flowing out of you! I see rivers of life flowing out of our cities, the streets and towns of the land. God is releasing – in increasing measure and numbers – His rivers of life; rivers of flowing, living water.

God says to us today: I am releasing my rivers; rivers of life. Rivers which will captivate, and expedite* my transformation of you, my dear ones, and of your cities and towns. See what I am releasing in the heavenly realms. A new wave of my transforming breath and life. Catch hold of it and pull it down into your circumstances. For these mighty rivers of life bring with them freedom, transformation and a renewal of circumstances, finances, and provision in all areas of your life. These rivers bring a greater flow of my presence into your life and circumstances.

And so Father God asks: would you agree today to step into the river and into the flow of my presence? Will you welcome the power and force, as the sound is released from Heaven and the waters rush forth? Willl you step in, my children, and flow with me in the rivers of life?

John 7:38 (AMP)
(Jesus said) He who believes in Me (who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me) as the Scripture has said, from his innermost being shall flow (continuously) springs and rivers of living water.

*to accelerate/advance/speed up


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