See how I am moving

Jeremiah 1:9,11,12
Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me, “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth…
The word of the LORD came to me saying, “What do you see, Jeremiah?”…
Then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it….

Lift your eyes and look – What do you see? Not those things that are earthly, not the things of the world or even that which is of the evil one. But look up and see what I am doing. What do you see?

He who has a desire to see, will see. I am awakening within you this day a hunger and a desire to see what I am doing and hear what I am saying over the nations. I will open the eyes of those who ask, so that they will see how I am about to move in their nations.

So what do you see? Declare it aloud; declare what you see me doing, for it is out of the declarations of My godly ones that will come the fulfillment of what I have shown you.

What do you see?

Isaiah 55:11
So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.


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