Take a stand today

Tragedy and turmoil have forced you down, they have forced you to face the possibility that Jesus Christ is not Lord over your life. Yet He would remind you this day that He is the King of Kings: He reigns and rules over your life. He is Sovereign and what He says goes!

His Spirit asks you today, “Will you choose to trust me with your life and trust that I have ALL things in my hands? Or will you agree with the enemy who says I have let go of you, and your situation?”

I am the Lord God – the same yesterday, today and forever- I never change. I will not forsake you. Take a stand today and believe that no matter what you face now or in the future I will rescue you, if you trust in me. Trust in me at ALL TIMES even when you feel the very foundations beneath your feet shake – trust in me. I am the Lord your God and I will never be shaken. If you choose to be in me neither are you moved nor shaken. Choose, agree and trust. The enemy laughs when you fail to agree with my Word. Agree with me today and stand firm.

Nahum 1:7-8
The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him… He will pursue his foes into darkness.


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