Step into the depths of the rushing waters

Do you hear the sound of the many waters rushing together? Do you see the many streams flowing as one river? This is my church, this is my body. This is my Spirit in them, flowing together as one mighty river. I am detouring streams from their current course. I am moving the mountains that are in the way. I am restoring the foundations of river beds to allow the streams to flow together. I am removing hindrances from the flow, and increasing the force and power.

You are a part of one of these streams – you are central and core to what I am doing. Agree to go with the flow of the stream that I have placed you in. Come into the water of my Spirit– step into the depths. Agree to be moved only by my Spirit, do not listen to those on the sidelines who would discourage you, for I am calling you deeper; move with me.

Expect to feel the need to ‘let go’ of those things that hinder; both with your time and your tasks. Listen to me and do only as I ask, do not add to it. Do you hear the sound of the rushing waters? Here they come… get ready… jump in.

Psalm 46:4-5
There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall, God will help her at the break of day. 


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