The flag flying over you

The Holy Spirit reminded of a children’s chorus that I hadn’t heard for many years:

There is a flag flying high
from the castle of my heart (x3)
There is a flag flying high
from the castle of my heart
for the King is in residence there.

Let it fly in the sky
let the whole world know (x3)
Let it fly in the sky
let the whole world know
that the King is in residence there.

What is the flag that is displayed over your life? What do people see when they look at the flag over your heart? Is it the flag that shows that Jesus Christ, the King of kings is enthroned there? Or does the flag reveal resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness? What does the flag display?

God says. “Allow Me to fill and fully reside within you. Put away from you the bitterness and resentment of the past. Allow Me to purify your heart and take you through the process of pruning, renewing and restoring.

Don’t hold back and you will know the peace, the joy and the manifestation of My love in your life that you have always longed for. Then it will be as though a flag were flying above your life and it will be the flag of My presence, My love and My purity.”

2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

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