The Gathering of Unity

I saw a Scottish piper in full clan regalia (kilt, jacket, bonnet and so on). He was standing on top of a hillside playing the bagpipes. Having been called by the sound of the pipes, thousands of people were coming into the valley below for ‘The Gathering’. Then I heard the Lord say:

Do you hear the sound? I am calling you my people, together in unity. I am calling you to be unified, You are to be ones who put foolishness aside, offence away and lethargy down. Is it too hard to forgive your brother or sister for his or her rudeness or mistakes? You must choose the better path and release forgiveness. Only through forgiveness and grace will there be unity.

Love at all times, my child, and do not count the cost. Mercy is mine and I will have mercy on you if you release forgiveness. If you hold offence in your heart it not only brings disunity to your own self and heart but it also brings disunity to my Body. Be unified – release forgiveness and agree to be un-offendable, in all things.

Luke 11:4
Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.



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